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How to Enjoy the Upcoming Savage River Release (MD)

Posted: 05/24/2021
By: Kevin Colburn

The Savage River releases are on the calendar for 2021 with some changes in how to enjoy them. Commercial shuttles are now a thing of the past on the Savage, and with that comes new responsibilities for paddlers. It is vitally important that paddlers visit the Savage River responsibly so these releases can continue. It’s pretty simple:


1. Park Only in the Official Put In and Take Out: Much of the land along the lower half of the shuttle route is privately owned, so parking anywhere but the official access areas can cause issues. 


2. Drive Respectfully: Release days can bring a lot of traffic for this little community. Driving respectfully and no more than the speed limit will help our visits be positive for community members. 


3. Respect Private Property: Be mindful that the banks of the Savage River in some locations are privately owned, particularly on the second half of the run. 


4. Paddle Wise: Check out the Paddle Wise website for good ideas on how to keep it safe and classy out on the water. Of course, paddling is at your own risk. 


Releases will be held in 2021 on Saturday, June 5; Sunday, July 4th; and Saturday; September 25th. 


Special thanks to the crew of people and organizations that make these releases possible, especially Wilderness Voyagers and Precision Rafting. 


Here is a map depicting the take out. Paddle under the bridge and take a right to paddle upstream on the North Branch Potomac for 50 yards or so. Take out just downstream of the old bridge, and carry your boat across the main road bridge over the Savage to reach the parking area.



Kevin Colburn

Asheville, NC

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