Upper Methow Recreational Boating Survey (WA)
Posted: 07/06/2015
By: Thomas O'Keefe
The Yakama Nation is currently conducting a survey of recreational boating on the reach of the Methow River from the Lost River confluence down to the Weeman Bridge. While this reach sees more limited boating than sections downstream, we know that this reach that includes the community of Mazama is used for river-based recreation.
The Yakama Nation has a been a great partner on restoration projects throughout the Columbia
Basin including Condit Dam removal and we appreciate their proactive approach in reaching out to
the whitewater boating community.
We encourage paddlers who have recreated on the upper Methow to fill out the survey and share
with others you know who recreate on this reach.
Additional Background
Yakama Nation Fisheries is studying boating conditions and recreation safety on the Upper Methow
River. This reach provides critical habitat for three salmonid stocks listed in the Endangered
Species Act (ESA): Upper Columbia Spring Chinook, Columbia River steelhead, and bull trout.
The goal of this project is to evaluate river use to inform the design, location and
implementation of fish habitat restoration projects. The questionnaire is designed to gauge
boaters' skill, river use levels, current river hazards, and relative levels of support for
select river management activities.
If you have experience recreating on the upper Methow River between Lost River and Weeman Bridge,
please take 5-10 minutes to fill out this survey. The information that you provide is essential
to the success of this study.
Thomas O'Keefe
3537 NE 87th St.
Seattle, WA 98115
E-mail: okeefe@americanwhitewater.org
Phone: 425-417-9012
Full Profile