Federal Land Managers Improve Boater Access for Dolores River - CO
Colorado - In consultation with the Lower Dolores Boating Advocates, one of American Whitewater's affiliate club members, a crew from the Dolores Public Lands Office removed willows from the boat ramp at the Gypsum Valley River Access site. The Bureau of Land Management and the US Forest Service's "Service First" program coordinated with the Army Corps of Engineers to thin willow overgrowth, remove root balls with a back hoe, improve ramp gradient and spread gravel. Work wrapped up in early January of 2012. The "Big Gyp" site is a popular and well-used launch site for multi-day trips through the dramatic red rock grandeur of the Slick Rock Canyon section of the lower Dolores River.
A big thank-you goes out to the Dolores Public Lands Office in SW Colorado, for coordinating work on the Gypsum Valley boat launch site on the Dolores River. The project demonstrates a growing partnership between local boaters and federal land managers to preserve the Dolores River's recreational and ecosystem values.
Nathan Fey
1601 Longs Peak Ave.
Longmont, CO 80501