American Whitewater Files in Opposition to Sunset Falls Hydro (WA)
Earlier today American Whitewater was joined by Alpine Lakes Protection Society, American Rivers,
North Cascades Conservation Council, Sierra Club – Washington State Chapter, The
Mountaineers, and Washington Wild in formally opposing the proposed hydropower project on the
South Fork of the Skykomish River at Sunset Falls.
Development of the Sunset Falls Hydroelectric Project by Snohomish PUD would have many
environmental impacts, including impacts on aesthetics, recreation, and resident fish and
wildlife habitat and species. The project would greatly reduce flows on a scenic
cascade-and-falls combination and would result in construction impacts from building a new 1.1
mile bypass, a 2000 ft. by 19 ft. diameter intake tunnel, a semi-underground powerhouse, a 2 acre
impoundment (reservoir) and a 8.5 transmission line to the existing substation in Gold Bar.
The Skykomish River is part of the Washington State Scenic River system, the legislative purpose
of which is to “protect and preserve the natural character of such rivers and fulfill other
conservation purposes.” Rivers in the system “shall be preserved in as natural
a condition as practical and that overuse of such rivers, which tends to downgrade their natural
condition, shall be discouraged.” In addition the section of the Skykomish River that
includes Sunset Falls is in a Northwest Power and Conservation Council Protected Area from
hydropower development, and has been recommended to Congress for designation as a National Wild
and Scenic River for its Scenic, Recreation, Fish, and Wildlife values by the U.S. Forest
Service. Wild and Scenic suitability, protected area status, and status as a State Scenic
Waterway each constitute relevant in-place plans and strategies to enhance and protect the
aquatic, aesthetic, habitat, recreational and conservation resources of the Skykomish River.
By early spring we anticipate that federal regulators will issue a decision on whether to issue a
preliminary permit allowing Snohomish PUD to begin formal investigations of the site. Several
members of the whitewater paddling community attended public meetings and provided comment on the
Thomas O'Keefe
3537 NE 87th St.
Seattle, WA 98115