Wilson Creek Hearing on Development
As AW recently reported, a large development is being planned on the banks of North Carolina's
Wild and Scenic Wilson Creek. The Caldwell County Commissioners will decide whether or not
to approve the development at a public meeting being held on Monday, August 27th, at 6pm, at 905
West Avenue in downtown Lenoir.
You can learn more about the County Commissioners, or contact them at: http://www.co.caldwell.nc.us/comm/comm.html
The issue up for debate is the rezoning of the roughly 650 acres of private property currently up for sale.
The county has been proactive in this process and the future of Wilson Creek is a major priority
to the county. With this being said, the county may rezone this area to allow the
development to occur.
Please focus your comments on how valuable Wilson Creek is to you as a visitor or citizen of
Caldwell County, and stress the values of the Creek that you find important.
If you care about Wilson Creek, get involved. Review the plans in the box to the right on this page, go to the meeting, write a letter, sign a petition, learn more.