Need Boaters for Flow Study, N. Fork Kern
American Whitewater is participating in a Whitewater Boating Study on the Kern River from
Fairview Dam to the town of Kernville. You can participate too simply by registering at one of
the drop boxes. This is a self-guided flow study. We are taking advantage of spring run-off to
evaluate a range of flows for whitewater recreation. Your input will help provide valuable data
on minimum and optimum flows for whitewater.
The study will run throughout the 2001 Spring Flow Season.
In 1994 a whitewater boating study was performed to determine whitewater flows for the North Fork
of the Kern. That study was scientifically invalid. This year a scientifically valid study is
being performed by boaters and boating organizations to provide information that accurately
reflects boaters views of FLOW LEVEL QUALITY. This is your last chance to be heard. Under flow
schedules developed using the 1994 study, kayakers will experience an average of 90 fewer days of
quality boating flows. Rafters will experience an average of 52 fewer quality boating days. Your
cooperation is requested. This study is self-guided.
1. Register
2. Run the river
3. Fill in the study form
4. Place completed forms in the box.
Get your friends involved.
If you boat, you have a stake in this study.
This study will determine recreational flows for the next 30 years.